The Fight for the Best Feeding Location

We all know that where you eat makes a big difference in the enjoyment of your meal. Sometimes the worst food can taste great if you're in a romantic restaurant with ambience. So imagine if you're a cat, and you get to choose between
  1. by the sink, and
  2. next to the refrigerator.
You can imagine what a tough decision that could be. One day, maybe you like the feeling of eating near the cool, refreshing fridge, but the next day something's spoiled in it and you'd rather be by the sink. Well, once you've made your decision, you're not going to let anyone get in your way, are you? You're going to eat where you want to eat, dammit! So when your pesky owner thinks that just because you've eaten in the same spot for two weeks, you're going to eat there again today, it's gonna piss you off!

So goes the saga of feeding Fluffy and Gonad.