CS 261: Research Topics in Operating Systems (2021)

Some links to papers are links to the ACM’s site. You may need to use the Harvard VPN to get access to the papers via those links. Alternate links will be provided.

Meeting 1 (1/26): Overview

Operating system architectures

Meeting 2 (1/28): Multics and Unix

Additional resources

Meeting 3 (2/2): Microkernels

Supplemental reading

Meeting 4 (2/4): Exokernels

Supplemental reading

Meeting 5 (2/9): Security

Meeting 6 (2/11): I/O

Supplemental reading

Meeting 7 (2/16): Speculative designs

From least to most speculative:


Meeting 8 (2/18): Log-structured file system

Meeting 9 (2/23): Consistency

Meeting 10 (2/25): Transactions and speculation

Meeting 11 (3/2): Speculative designs

More, if you’re hungry for it


Meeting 14 (3/11): Virtual machines and containers

Meeting 15 (3/18): Virtual memory and virtual devices

Meeting 16 (3/23): Speculative designs

Distributed systems

Meeting 17 (3/25): Distributed systems history

Meeting 18 (3/30): Paxos

Meeting 19 (4/1): Review of replication results

Meeting 20 (4/6): Project discussion

Meeting 21 (4/8): Industrial consistency

Meeting 22 (4/13): Short papers and speculative designs

Meeting 23 (4/20): The M Group

Meeting 24 (4/22): NVM and Juice

Meeting 25 (4/27): Scheduling