Lecture 12: Disks and file systems

Stable storage is tangible

Magnetic tape

Hard disk

Solid-state memory


Geometry and physics

SSD vs. HDD throughput

Random read Random write Sequential read Sequential write
Seagate Savio 15K.3 HDD 2 MB/s 2 MB/s 223 MB/s 223 MB/s
Samsung 840 Pro SSD 103 MB/s 287 MB/s 421 MB/s 384 MB/s
Seagate 600 SSD 84 MB/s 252 MB/s 424 MB/s 374 MB/s
Intel 335 SSD 39 MB/s 222 MB/s 344 MB/s 354 MB/s

From “Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces”, Arpaci-Dusseau and Arpaci-Dusseau


Physical properties and file system design