CS 235 Advanced Operating Systems, Winter 2008
Tentative Schedule
Week 1 |
Mon 1/7 |
Course introduction, x86 assembly |
Wed 1/9 |
x86 assembly and memory management
Week 2 |
Mon 1/14 |
Operating systems interfaces: Unix
Wed 1/16 |
Virtual memory
Further reading on garbage collection and virtual memory:
Fri 1/18 |
Week 3 |
Mon 1/21 |
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day holiday |
Wed 1/23 |
Virtual memory and virtual machines
Further reading on Disco:
Week 4 |
Mon 1/28 |
Virtual machine designs
"Xen and the Art of Virtualization", Paul Barham, Boris Dragovic, Keir Fraser, Steven Hand, Tim Harris, Alex Ho, Rolf Neugebauer, Ian Pratt, and Andrew Warfield, Proc. 19th SOSP, Oct. 2003, pp.164-177
Wed 1/30 |
Kernel design: microkernels
Fri 2/1 |
Week 5 |
Mon 2/4 |
Kernel design: exokernels
Further reading on exokernels:
"Application Performance and Flexibility on Exokernel Systems", M. Frans Kaashoek, Dawson R. Engler, Gregory R. Ganger, Héctor M. Briceño, Russell Hunt, David Mazières, Thomas Pinckney, Robert Grimm, John Jannotti, and Kenneth Mackenzie, Proc. 17th SOSP, Oct. 1997, pp.52-65
Wed 2/6 |
Operating system bugs
Further reading on OS bug finding:
Week 6 |
Mon 2/11 |
Test 1 |
Wed 2/13 |
Week 7 |
Mon 2/18 |
Presidents Day Holiday |
Tue 2/19 |
Wed 2/20 |
Network scheduling
Week 8 |
Mon 2/25 |
File systems
Wed 2/27 |
File systems II
"Rethink the Sync", Edmund B. Nightingale, Kaushik Veeraraghavan, Peter M. Chen, and Jason Flinn, Proc. 7th OSDI, Nov. 2006, pp.1-14
Week 9 |
Mon 3/3 |
Distributed file systems
Wed 3/5 |
Managing concurrency
This lecture will focus on read-copy-update, an interesting technique for fast concurrency management in multiprocessors. It's best to glance through the talk and/or the articles below to get a feeling for RCU's goals before tackling the main paper.
Here's an older article about implementing locks:
Week 10 |
Mon 3/10 |
"Information Flow Control for Standard OS Abstractions", Maxwell Krohn, Alex Yip, Micah Brodsky, Natan Cliffer, M. Frans Kaashoek, Eddie Kohler, and Robert Morris, Proc. 21st SOSP, Oct. 2007, pp.321-334
Wed 3/12 |
Test 2 |
Finals Week |
Fri 3/21 |
Lab 5 due (no extensions) |
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